Returns all messages from the queue specified through MQ.Queue {0} if any messages exist. The read is non-destructive. An ...

Returns all messages from the queue specified through MQ.Queue {0} if any messages exist. The read is non-destructive. An optional record parameter, {1}, may be specified to control the following options:
  • BatchSize : Maximum number of messages to be retrieved from the queue. By default, all available messages will be retrieved.
  • IncludeInfo : A logical (true/false) to indicate if additional message info should be included (default is false).
  • Timeout : If a message is not in the queue, wait this amount of time for a message to appear. The default value is zero. The value is the number of seconds to wait.
The record parameter is specified as [option1 = value1, option2 = value2...] or [IncludeInfo = true] for example.
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