Usage: CLMUtil -addca AssemblyQualifiedName -name CaName -server ServerName -templates TemplateList -config data Add or update ...

CLMUtil -addca AssemblyQualifiedName -name CaName -server ServerName [-templates TemplateList] [-config data]
  Add or update 3rd party CA connector registration
  AssemblyQualifiedName is the assembly qualified name of a .NET type that
    implements ICertificateServer interface.
  CaName is the name of the 3rd party CA.
  ServerName is the name of the server running the 3rd party CA.
  TemplateList is the comma-separated list of certificate templates (common names)
    that can be used to request certificates from the given 3rd party CA.
    Omitting this parameter signifies that all certificate templates can 
    be used to request certificates.
  Data is free-form configuration string passed to the connector during 
    the initialization phase. This string cannot be longer than 256 characters.
  ClmUtil -addca "Microsoft.Test.Connector, TestConnector" -name TestCA -server -templates User,SmartCardLogon -config "c:	ext.xml"
      Registers a new 3rd party CA connector implemented by the 
        Microsoft.Test.Connector type in the TestConnector assembly. CA name is
        TestCA and server name is
      2 certificate templates (User and SmartCardLogon) would be available for
         certificate issuance from this CA.
      Initialization string is "c:	ext.xml".

  ClmUtil -addca "Microsoft.Test.Connector, TestConnector" -name TestCA -server
      Registers a new 3rd party CA connector implemented by the 
        Microsoft.Test.Connector type in the TestConnector assembly. CA name is
        TestCA and server name is
      All certificate templates that are present in the Active Directory 
        would be available for certificate issuance from this CA.
      No initialization string is provided.
  ClmUtil -addca "Microsoft.Test.Connector, TestConnector" -name TestCA -server -templates User,SmartCardLogon,Email -config "c:	ext.xml"
      Updates existing 3rd party CA connector registration. (See the first example).
      1 additional certificate template (Email) would be available for certificate 
        issuance from this CA.

ClmUtil -?        -- Display verb list
ClmUtil -sync -?  -- Display help text for 'sync' command
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