NETDOM RENAMECOMPUTER machine /NewName:new-name /UserD:user /PasswordD:[password | /UserO:user /PasswordO:[password | /Force ...

NETDOM RENAMECOMPUTER machine /NewName:new-name            [/UserD:user [/PasswordD:[password | *]]]            [/UserO:user [/PasswordO:[password | *]]]            [/Force]            [/REBoot[:Time in seconds]]            [/SecurePasswordPrompt]  NETDOM RENAMECOMPUTER renames a computer. If the computer is joined to a domain, then the computer object in the domain is also renamed. Certain  services, such as the Certificate Authority, rely on a fixed machine name.  If any services of this type are running on the target computer, then a  computer name change would have an adverse impact. This command should not  be used to rename a domain controller.  machine is the name of the workstation or member server to be renamed  /NewName        Specifies the new name for the computer. Both the DNS host                 label and the NetBIOS name are changed to new-name. If                 new-name is longer than 15 characters, the NetBIOS name is                 derived from the first 15 characters  /UserD          User account used to make the connection with the domain.                 The domain can be specified as "/ud:domain\user". If domain is                 omitted, then the computer's domain is assumed.  /PasswordD      Password of the user account specified by /UserD. A * means                 to prompt for the password  /UserO          User account used to make the connection with the machine to                 be renamed. If omitted, then the currently logged on user's                 account is used. The user's domain can be specified as                 "/uo:domain\user". If domain is omitted, then a local computer                 account is assumed.  /PasswordO      Password of the user account specified by /UserO. A * means                 to prompt for the password  /Force          As noted above, this command can adversely affect some services                 running on the computer. The user will be prompted for                 confirmation unless the /FORCE switch is specified.  /REBoot         Specifies that the machine should be shutdown and automatically                 rebooted after the Rename has completed. The number of seconds                 before automatic shutdown can also be provided. Default is                 30 seconds  /SecurePasswordPrompt                  Use secure credentials popup to specify credentials. This                 option should be used when smartcard credentials need to be                 specified. This option is only in effect when the password                  value is supplied as *
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