NETDOM MOVE machine /Domain:domain /OU:ou path /UserD:user /PasswordD:[password | /UserO:user /PasswordO:[password | /UserF:user ...

NETDOM MOVE machine /Domain:domain [/OU:ou path]            [/UserD:user] [/PasswordD:[password | *]]            [/UserO:user] [/PasswordO:[password | *]]            [/UserF:user] [/PasswordF:[password | *]]            [/REBoot[:Time in seconds]]            [/SecurePasswordPrompt]  NETDOM MOVE Moves a workstation or member server to a new domain  machine is the name of the workstation or member server to be moved  /Domain         Specifies the domain to which the machine should be moved. You                 can specify a particular domain controller by entering                 /Domain:domain\dc. If you specify a domain controller, you                 must also include the user's domain. For                 example: /UserD:domain\user  /UserD          User account used to make the connection with the domain                 specified by the /Domain argument  /PasswordD      Password of the user account specified by /UserD.  A * means                 to prompt for the password  /UserO          User account used to make the connection with the machine to                 be moved  /PasswordO      Password of the user account specified by /UserO.  A * means                 to prompt for the password  /UserF          User account used to make the connection with the machine's                 former domain (with which the machine had been a member before                 the move). Needed to disable the old machine account.  /PasswordF      Password of the user account specified by /UserF.  A * means                 to prompt for the password  /OU             Organizational unit under which to create the machine account.                 This must be a fully qualified RFC 1779 DN for the OU.                 If not specified, the account will be created under the default                 organization unit for machine objects for that domain.  /REBoot         Specifies that the machine should be shutdown and automatically                 rebooted after the Move has completed.  The number of seconds                 before automatic shutdown can also be provided.  Default is                 30 seconds  /SecurePasswordPrompt                  Use secure credentials popup to specify credentials. This                 option should be used when smartcard credentials need to be                 specified. This option is only in effect when the password                  value is supplied as *  When moving a downlevel (Windows NT version 4 or before) machine to a new domain, the operation is not transacted.  Thus, a failure during the operation could leave the machine in an undetermined state with respect to the domain it is joined to.  When moving a machine to a new domain, the old computer account in the former domain is not deleted. If credentials are supplied for the former domain, the old computer account will be disabled.  The act of moving a machine to a new domain will create an account for the machine on the domain if it does not already exist.
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