IP: Interface = %1 WolHandle = %3 has DestinationIpAddress = %4 TargetIpAddress1 = %5 TargetIpAddress2 = %6 Flags = %7 while processing WolEvent = %8 with Status = %9.
IP has been bound to more than the maximum number of supported interfaces. Some interfaces on network adapter %2 will not ...
IP security protects the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of IP packets between two computers on a network. IP ...
IP was unable to initialize network adapter %2 for configuration by DHCP. If DHCP is enabled on this network adapter, the ...
IP: Interface %1 property change. Advertise= %2, AdvertiseDefaultRoute = %3, Forward = %4, ForwardMulticast = %5, UseNud ...
IP: Interface = %1 WolHandle = %3 has DestinationIpAddress = %4 TargetIpAddress1 = %5 TargetIpAddress2 = %6 Flags = %7 while ...
IP: IP address lifetime = %4 %6 %5 on interface = %1, protocol = %2, CurrentTime = %7 Old BaseTime = %8 Old ValidTime = %9 ...
IP: Route %1 property change. Interface = %2, Protocol = %5, DestinationPrefix = %16 %18 %7 /%6, Nexthop = %17 %18 %8. Properties: ...
IPHTTPS: Global connectivity state change. GlobalAddressCount = %1 Ipv4Connectivity = %2 Ipv6Connectivity = %3 CorpConnectivity ...
IPinFlowControl::Block() has been called on another thread. The current thread cannot make any assumptions about this pin's ...