IP was unable to initialize network adapter %2 for configuration by DHCP. If DHCP is enabled on this network adapter, the primary interface may not be configured properly. Interfaces on this network adapter not configured by DHCP will be unaffected.
IP could not allocate some resources required to configure network adapter %2. Some interfaces on this network adapter will ...
IP Filter %1 specified in the GPO policy for Auto Configuration of listeners is invalid and it will be ignored. Due to this ...
IP has been bound to more than the maximum number of supported interfaces. Some interfaces on network adapter %2 will not ...
IP security protects the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of IP packets between two computers on a network. IP ...
IP was unable to initialize network adapter %2 for configuration by DHCP. If DHCP is enabled on this network adapter, the ...
IP: Interface %1 property change. Advertise= %2, AdvertiseDefaultRoute = %3, Forward = %4, ForwardMulticast = %5, UseNud ...
IP: Interface = %1 WolHandle = %3 has DestinationIpAddress = %4 TargetIpAddress1 = %5 TargetIpAddress2 = %6 Flags = %7 while ...
IP: IP address lifetime = %4 %6 %5 on interface = %1, protocol = %2, CurrentTime = %7 Old BaseTime = %8 Old ValidTime = %9 ...
IP: Route %1 property change. Interface = %2, Protocol = %5, DestinationPrefix = %16 %18 %7 /%6, Nexthop = %17 %18 %8. Properties: ...