Create and post a purchase invoice that reverses this posted purchase credit memo. This posted purchase credit memo will be canceled.
Create and manage rules for automatic record creation and updates. You can set up rules for either out-of-the-box entities ...
Create and manage service level agreements (SLAs), and associate them to a customer service schedule. Define failure and ...
Create and manage service queues, and manage the membership of private queues. Establish criteria for automatic record creation ...
Create and post a purchase credit memo that reverses this posted purchase invoice. This posted purchase invoice will be canceled. ...
Create and post a purchase invoice that reverses this posted purchase credit memo. This posted purchase credit memo will ...
Create and post a sales invoice that reverses this posted sales credit memo. This posted sales credit memo will be canceled. ...
Create and post tax difference transactions. Tax differences are variations in tax amounts caused by the different rules ...
Create and track the results of a specific marketing campaign through its creation, planning and execution with the resources ...
Create and update Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services projects that belong to the user. Only the name and description properties ...