Heuristic aborting (RESET) or heuristic mixed COMPARE STATES received from LU Partner "%1" for LU Transaction "%2" when delivering Committed for MS DTC Transaction Id "%3".%0
Help us make Windows Defender better by sending Microsoft malware samples so we can learn about potential security problems ...
Help us make Windows Server Antimalware better by sending Microsoft malware samples so we can learn about potential security ...
Help was not saved for the module {0}, because the Save-Help command was run on this computer within the last 24 hours. To ...
Help was not updated for the module {0}, because the Update-Help command was run on this computer within the last 24 hours. ...
Heuristic aborting (RESET) or heuristic mixed COMPARE STATES received from LU Partner "%1" for LU Transaction "%2" when delivering ...
Heuristic Commit for XID=(TRID,XATM,XARM)%\ MS DTC Transaction Id "%1" %\ XA Transaction Manager=%2 %\ XA Resource Manager ...
Heuristic committed or heuristic mixed COMPARE STATES received from LU Partner "%1" for LU Transaction "%2" when delivering ...
Heuristic Damage for XID=(TRID,XATM,XARM)%\ MS DTC Transaction Id "%1" %\ XA Transaction Manager =%2 %\ XA Resource Manager ...
Heuristic Rollback for XID=(TRID,XATM,XARM)%\ MS DTC Transaction Id "%1" %\ XA Transaction Manager=%2 %\ XA Resource Manager ...