Heuristic Rollback for XID=(TRID,XATM,XARM)%\ MS DTC Transaction Id "%1" %\ XA Transaction Manager=%2 %\ XA Resource Manager =%3 %\ Data Source Name =%4.%0
Heuristic aborting (RESET) or heuristic mixed COMPARE STATES received from LU Partner "%1" for LU Transaction "%2" when delivering ...
Heuristic Commit for XID=(TRID,XATM,XARM)%\ MS DTC Transaction Id "%1" %\ XA Transaction Manager=%2 %\ XA Resource Manager ...
Heuristic committed or heuristic mixed COMPARE STATES received from LU Partner "%1" for LU Transaction "%2" when delivering ...
Heuristic Damage for XID=(TRID,XATM,XARM)%\ MS DTC Transaction Id "%1" %\ XA Transaction Manager =%2 %\ XA Resource Manager ...
Heuristic Rollback for XID=(TRID,XATM,XARM)%\ MS DTC Transaction Id "%1" %\ XA Transaction Manager=%2 %\ XA Resource Manager ...
Hide the Back button in the Open dialog box. This policy setting lets you remove new features added in Microsoft Windows ...
Hides all folders on the user-specific (top) section of the Start menu. Other items appear, but folders are hidden. This ...
Hides or displays reminder balloons, and prevents users from changing the setting. Reminder balloons appear above the Offline ...
Hides pop-up text on the Start menu and in the notification area. When you hold the cursor over an item on the Start menu ...