Table '%{table/}' does not have a partition with DirectQueryUsage property set to DirectQueryOnly or InMemoryWithDirectQuery. To enable DirectQuery mode for this model you must create a partition and specify one of these values.
Synchronize failed as source server is set to work in Tabular mode and target server is set to work in Multidimensional mode. ...
Table '%{table/}' already has a relationship where Security Filtering Behavior is set to Both. Only one relationship per ...
Table '%{table/}' cannot be queried in DirectQuery mode because it is based on multiple DSVs. Tables that get data from multiple ...
Table '%{table/}' does not contain a partition in the Full DataView. Every table must contain at least one partition in the ...
Table '%{table/}' does not have a partition with DirectQueryUsage property set to DirectQueryOnly or InMemoryWithDirectQuery. ...
Table '%{Table/}' has no partition objects in xmsrv.dll structures. Most likely we are asked to process a PowerPivot file ...
Table '%{table/}' includes multiple partitions with DirectQueryUsage property set to DirectQueryOnly or InMemoryWithDirectQuery. ...
Table '%{table/}' is configured for row-level security, introducing constraints on how security filters are specified. The ...
Table '%{table/}' is not based on the same Data Source as other tables in the model. When querying in DirectQuery Mode all ...