Synchronize failed as source server is set to work in Tabular mode and target server is set to work in Multidimensional mode.
Synchronize command Location subtree used for restoring of remote partition incomplete: it must contain non-empty DataSourceId, ...
Synchronize command Location subtree used for updating of DS connection strings incomplete: it must contain non-empty DataSourceId, ...
Synchronize command Location subtree used to specify folder location mapping must contain at least one non-empty Folder element. ...
Synchronize failed as source server is set to work in Multidimensional mode and target server is set to work in Tabular mode. ...
Synchronize failed as source server is set to work in Tabular mode and target server is set to work in Multidimensional mode. ...
Table '%{table/}' already has a relationship where Security Filtering Behavior is set to Both. Only one relationship per ...
Table '%{table/}' cannot be queried in DirectQuery mode because it is based on multiple DSVs. Tables that get data from multiple ...
Table '%{table/}' does not contain a partition in the Full DataView. Every table must contain at least one partition in the ...
Table '%{table/}' does not have a partition with DirectQueryUsage property set to DirectQueryOnly or InMemoryWithDirectQuery. ...