Description: Displays information about all multicast transmissions on the WDS server. Syntax: WDSUTIL /Get-AllMulticastTransmissions ...

Description: Displays information about all multicast transmissions
             on the WDS server.

WDSUTIL /Get-AllMulticastTransmissions [/Server:]
     /Show:{Boot | Install | All}

[/Server:]             The name of the WDS server. This can be
                                    either the NetBIOS name or the FQDN.
                                    If not specified, the local server will
                                    be used.
/Show: {Boot | Install | All}       The type of image to return.
                                    Boot returns only boot image transmissions.
                                    Install returns only install image
                                    transmissions. All returns both image
[/Details:Clients]                  If present, clients that are connected to
                                    the transmission will be displayed.
[/ExcludeDeletePending]             Excludes transmissions that are pending
                                    deletion (for example, those that have
                                    been deactivated.

WDSUTIL /Get-AllMulticastTransmissions /Show:All

WDSUTIL /Get-AllMulticastTransmissions /Server:MyWDSServer /Show:Install
/Details:Clients /ExcludeDeletePending