Description: Displays information about all the driver groups on a WDS server. Syntax: WDSUTIL /Get-AllDriverGroups /Server: ...

Description: Displays information about all the driver groups on a
             WDS server.

WDSUTIL /Get-AllDriverGroups [/Server:]
     [/Show:{PackageMetaData | Filters | All}]

[/Server:]             The name of the WDS server. This can be
                                    either the NetBIOS name or the FQDN.
                                    If not specified, the local server will
                                    be used.
[/Show: {PackageMetaData | Filters | All}]
                                    Displays the metadata for all the driver
                                    packages in the specified group.
                                    PackageMetaData displays information
                                    about all the filters for the driver group.
                                    Filters displays the metadata for all
                                    driver packages and filters for the group.

WDSUTIL /Get-AllDriverGroups /Server:MyWdsServer /Show:All

WDSUTIL /Get-AllDriverGroups [/Show:PackageMetaData]