DPM failed to replicate changes for %DatasourceType; %DatasourceName; on %ServerName; due to the high amount of file system activity on this volume.
DPM failed to provide the Windows Group %GroupName; read permissions on the replica for %DatasourceType; %DatasourceName; ...
DPM failed to recatalog the contents of the tape %MediaLabel; because it encountered a critical error while attempting to ...
DPM failed to recatalog the contents of the tape because it encountered a critical error while attempting to read catalog ...
DPM failed to recover to the original location because either the corresponding Windows SharePoint Services Search service ...
DPM failed to replicate changes for %DatasourceType; %DatasourceName; on %ServerName; due to the high amount of file system ...
DPM failed to replicate the changes for the %DatasourceType; %DatasourceName;. The operation failed while DPM was attempting ...
DPM failed to start tracking changes for %DatasourceType; %DatasourceName; on %ServerName; because of insufficient memory ...
DPM failed to synchronize changes for %DatasourceType; %DatasourceName; on %ServerName; because the snapshot volume did not ...
DPM failed to use the tape in %MediaLocationType; %MediaLocationInfo; because it appears to be a cleaning tape that is identified ...