Cannot complete operation. Select the entire table, including the total row if present, and then try the operation again.
Cannot apply a conditional format to a range that has cells outside of a PivotTable data region. Make sure that all the cells ...
cannot be accessed. The file may be read-only, or you may be trying to access a read-only location. Or, the server the document ...
cannot be merged into the current workbook. Workbooks to be merged must be copies made from the same shared workbook, and ...
Cannot change the XML mapping for the specified object, because it is already bound to an XML map. Use the Clear method to ...
Cannot complete operation. Select the entire table, including the total row if present, and then try the operation again. ...
Cannot complete operation: A table cannot overlap with a PivotTable report, query results, a table, merged cells, or an XML ...
Cannot complete operation: Operations that include cells both inside and outside a table range or XML mapping, and operations ...
Cannot complete operation: You are attempting to change a portion of a table row or column in a way that is not allowed. ...
Cannot complete the requested script operation, because the control was unable to perform security checks. Typically this ...