Cannot read transport configuration. Verify if the adapter management component is installed on the local machine. Failed to read value for "%1" key while reading transport configuration from registry. %2
Cannot open a connection to device {0} because another client has already connected to the device. Retry the operation later. ...
Cannot open database "{0}" on server "{1}".Verify that you have the required security permissions and that communication ...
Cannot open database {0} on server {1}.Verify that you have the required security permissions and that communication between ...
Cannot perform the specified operation on device {0} because the device is currently in a disabled ({1}) state. Enable the ...
Cannot read transport configuration. Verify if the adapter management component is installed on the local machine. Failed ...
Cannot remove the "{0}" assembly since one or more orchestrations are started or enlisted. Correct this and try again. Stop/unenlist ...
Cannot remove the "{0}" assembly since one or more orchestrations have unfinished instances. Wait several seconds and try ...
Cannot remove the specified security record for device entity {0} because the specified security record does not exist. Specify ...
Cannot rename the specified source {1} on device {0} because one or more processes have a binding to this source. Update ...