Cannot remove the specified security record for device entity {0} because the specified security record does not exist. Specify a valid security record.
Cannot proceed because the workbook is read-only. Please use Save-As to save a writable copy of the workbook, followed by ...
Cannot read transport configuration. Verify if the adapter management component is installed on the local machine. Failed ...
Cannot remove the "{0}" assembly since one or more orchestrations are started or enlisted. Correct this and try again. Stop/unenlist ...
Cannot remove the "{0}" assembly since one or more orchestrations have unfinished instances. Wait several seconds and try ...
Cannot remove the specified security record for device entity {0} because the specified security record does not exist. Specify ...
Cannot rename the specified source {1} on device {0} because one or more processes have a binding to this source. Update ...
Cannot save the device because at least two devices {0} and {1} are affected. They have similar device identifiers, connection ...
Cannot send the command because there is no connection available to the device. Open a connection to the device, and then ...
Cannot update assembly "{0}" because it is used by assemblies which are not in the set of assemblies to update. To update ...