/Get-AllDevices Displays information on all prestaged devices. /Get-AllDriverGroups Displays information on all driver groups. ...

        Displays information on all prestaged devices.

        Displays information on all driver groups.

        Adds all the driver packages from a folder.

        Displays information on all driver packages.

        Displays information on all image groups.

        Displays information on all images.

        Displays the attributes of all transmissions.

        Displays the attributes of all namespaces.

        Displays information for all WDS servers.

        Approves pending devices on a server.

        Rejects pending devices on a server.

        Displays the pending devices on server.

        Deletes devices in the pending device database.

        Creates a WinPE image used for creating an install image of a
        reference computer.

        Disconnects a client from a multicast transmission or

        Creates a WinPE image used for computers that are not capable
        of booting to PXE.

        Adds a prestaged device.

        Displays the attributes of a prestaged device.

        Changes the attributes of a prestaged device.

        Removes a prestaged device.

        Adds a driver group to the server.

        Copies a driver group.

        Displays information about a driver group.

        Removes a driver group from the server.

        Changes the attributes of a driver group.

        Adds one or more filters on a driver group.

        Removes one or more filters from a driver group.

        Modifies one or more existing filters of a driver group.

        Adds a driver package to a driver group.

        Adds driver packages to a driver group.