/Get-AppPatches [/Format:] [/ProductCode: ] Displays information about all applied MSP patches for all applications installed on the offline image. If a product code GUID is specified, information is displayed about all patches in the specified MSI application. Use the /Format option to specify a table or list format for the output. If /Format is not specified, the output is formatted as a list. This command is not supported against an online image. Examples: DISM.exe /Image:C: est\offline /Get-AppPatches DISM.exe /Image:C: est\offline /Get-AppPatches /ProductCode:{A13BF3E2-0C87-4DC3-B555-42EA2ED666E3}
/For=VolumeName /All - Queries the status of in progress revert operations. If a volume name is specified with the /For operation, ...
/fwttdll: User-specified path for dll for wtt logging. Defaults to WttLog.dll. /fwttdev: User-specified path for wtt log ...
/Gen-LangIni /Distribution: Generates a new lang.ini file which is used by setup to define the language packs inside the ...
/Get-AppInfo /Format: /ProductCode: Displays detailed information about a specific installed Windows Installer (MSI) application. ...
/Get-AppPatches /Format: /ProductCode: Displays information about all applied MSP patches for all applications installed ...
/Get-AppPatchInfo /Format: /PatchCode: /ProductCode: Displays information about installed MSP patches. If /PatchCode is specified, ...
/Get-Apps /Format: Displays information about all MSI applications in the offline image. Use the /Format option to specify ...
/Get-CapabilityInfo /CapabilityName: Get information of a capability in the image. Example: DISM.exe /Online /Get-CapabilityInfo ...
/Get-CurrentEdition Displays the edition of the current image. Examples: DISM.exe /Image:C: est\offline /Get-CurrentEdition ...