QuoteChar in TextFormat is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team directly if you want to experiment this feature.
Pricing details, including changing between Free Edition and Standard Edition, can only be changed by users who are an owner ...
Property {0} with value {1} is of type {2}. The expected type is string or EncryptedString. Consider converting the parameter ...
Protocol '{0}' does not define identity set {1}. When using protocol '{0}' make sure to use one of the following identity ...
Protocol '{0}' does not define identity set {1}. When using protocol '{0}' make sure to use one the following identity sets: ...
QuoteChar in TextFormat is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team directly if ...
Resource group name can only include alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores, hyphens and parenthesis and cannot end ...
Resource group name is not valid. Name can contain only alphanumeric characters, dash, underscore, opening parenthesis, closing ...
scriptLinkedService '{0}' is not supported. Currently scriptLinkedService can only accept an Azure Storage linked service. ...
SliceIdentifierColumnName' property is currently not supported for SQL Data WareHouse Sink. Please use 'SqlWriterCleanupScript' ...