Azure Data Factory

  1. A compute type with a transport type of "ServiceBusReference" must have at least one schema property which is a LinkedServiceReference. ...
  2. A linked service type with a transport type of 'ServiceBusReference' must have at least one schema property which is a LinkedServiceReference. ...
  3. A slice will be in this status if LongRetry is specified in the table JSON, and regular retries for the slice have failed. ...
  4. A String object containing the base URI that is added to your Service Bus namespace to form the URI to connect to the Service ...
  5. Activities '{0}' and '{1}' have the same output Dataset '{2}'. Two activities cannot output the same Dataset over the same ...
  6. Activities {0} and {1} have the same output Dataset {2}. Two activities cannot output the same Dataset over the same active ...
  7. Activity "{0}" has no input dataset. Please add at least one input dataset and copy activity will use the first dataset as ...
  8. Activity "{0}" has no output dataset. Please add at least one output dataset and copy activity will use the first dataset ...
  9. Activity 'linkedServiceName' property refers to registered linked service '{0}' of storage kind. Activity linkedServiceName ...
  10. Activity '{0}' from pipeline '{1}' has no output(s) and no schedule. Please add an output dataset or define activity schedule. ...
  11. Activity '{0}' has no input dataset. Please add at least one input dataset and copy activity will use the first dataset as ...
  12. Activity '{0}' has no output dataset. Please add at least one output dataset and copy activity will use the first dataset ...
  13. Activity '{0}' has values for both the webServiceInput and webServiceInputs properties. Please provide a value for only one ...
  14. Activity '{0}' is configured to use Azure SQL Data Warehouse Polybase as destination and Azure Blob as staging store. The ...
  15. Activity '{0}' outputs '{1}' and '{2}' do not match. Output '{1}' is a reference Dataset while output '{2}' is not. An activity ...
  16. Activity '{0}' specifies staging linked service '{1}' which is not found in the activity execution environment. Please ensure ...
  17. Activity '{0}' specifies staging linked service '{1}', which is not of a supported type. Please specify an AzureStorage or ...
  18. Activity '{0}' specifies staging setting, but both its source and sink is on-premises data store, which is not supported. ...
  19. Activity type '{0}' is not enabled for subscription '{1}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team for further assistance. ...
  20. Activity type '{0}' is not enabled for subscription '{1}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team for further assistance: ...
  21. Activity {0} from pipeline {1} has no output(s) and no schedule. Please add an output dataset or define activity schedule. ...
  22. Activity {0} outputs {1} and {2} do not match. Output {1} is a reference Dataset while output {2} is not. An activity cannot ...
  23. ActivityType property: '{0}' may not override a baseType's property definition except to provide a value if one was not specified. ...
  24. ActivityType property: {0} may not override a baseType's property definition except to provide a value if one was not specified. ...
  25. ADF only supports OnDemand Spark for HdiVersion:'{0}' for subscription '{1}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team ...
  26. Allowed idle time. This configuration governs when the cluster will be deleted. Example: 00:05:00 indicates cluster will ...
  27. Amazon S3 source is not supported for subscription '{0}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team for further assistance: ...
  28. An Amazon Redshift dataset can only be used as a copy source in a copy activity. The source type must be "RelationalSource. ...
  29. An Amazon S3 dataset can only be used as a copy source in a copy activity. The linked service type must be "AwsAccessKey" ...
  30. An AzureDataLakeStore dataset is required to be used with an AzureDataLakeStoreSource or AzureDataLakeStoreSink in a copy ...
  31. An AzureDataLakeStore dataset is required to be used with an AzureDataLakeStoreSource or AzureDataLakeStoreSink in an copy ...
  32. An error occured when creating SQL objects that are needed to run the sample. This could be because the login provided does ...
  33. An error was encountered when getting the batch execution job status for job {0}. Endpoint: {1}. Http status code: {2}. Details: ...
  34. An error was encountered when getting the batch execution job status for job {0}. Endpoint: {1}. HTTP status code: {2}. Details: ...
  35. An instance of the linked service type '{0}' cannot have more than one property value which is a ServiceBusLinkedService ...
  36. An instance of the Linked Service type '{0}' cannot have more than one property value which is a ServiceBusLinkedService ...
  37. An instance of the linked service type '{0}' requires exactly one property value which is a ServiceBusLinkedService instance. ...
  38. An instance of the Linked Service type '{0}' requires exactly one property value which is a ServiceBusLinkedService instance. ...
  39. An OData based dataset can only be used as a "RelationalSource" in copy activity. Please see this MSDN link for details: ...
  40. An OData based dataset can only be used as a "RelationalSource" in copy activity. Please see this MSDN link for details: ...
  41. An ODBC based dataset can only be used as a "RelationalSource" in copy activity. Please see this MSDN link for details: ...
  42. Authorization is required to deploy this linked service. Click "Authorize" to allow this data factory and the activities ...
  43. Authorize this data factory and the activities it runs to access this {0} with your access rights. You must have a valid ...
  44. Azure Data Factory has deprecated the cloud encryption API. Please use on-premises alternatives such as certificate-based ...
  45. Azure Data Factory is a cloud-based data integration service that orchestrates and automates the movement and transformation ...
  46. Azure Data Factory is a cloud-based data integration service that orchestrates and automates the movement and transformation ...
  47. Azure Data Factory is a cloud-based data integration service that orchestrates and automates the movement and transformation ...
  48. Azure ML batch scoring has completed with status code Failed. Visit your Azure Machine Learning web service in the Azure ...
  49. Azure ML Linked Service specifies unsupported api version {0}. Currently support api versions are: default (unspecified in ...
  50. Azure MLbatch scoring with jobId {0} has completed, but copying the results from '{1}' to '{2}' failed with description: ...
  51. AzureHub' is not a valid type value for Hub '{0}'. The only valid value is Hub. Please specify a valid type value and try ...
  52. AzureHub' is not a valid type value for Hub {0}. The only valid value is Hub. Please specify a valid type value and try again. ...
  53. AzureML Activity '{0}' properties reference '{1}', but there is no Dataset with that name in the Activity Inputs or Outputs ...
  54. AzureMLBatchScoringActivity encountered an error getting the batch scoring job status for job {0}. Http status code: {1}. ...
  55. AzureMLBatchScoringActivity encountered an error getting the batch scoring job status for job {0}. HTTP status code: {1}. ...
  56. AzureMLBatchScoringActivity encountered an error getting the batch scoring job status for job {0}. Request http status code: ...
  57. AzureMLBatchScoringActivity encountered an error getting the batch scoring job status. Http status code: {0}. Details: {1} ...
  58. AzureMLBatchScoringActivity encountered an error getting the batch scoring job status. HTTP status code: {0}. Details: {1} ...
  59. AzureMLBatchScoringActivity encountered an error getting the batch scoring job status. Request http status code: {0}. Details: ...
  60. AzureMLBatchScoringActivity encountered an error starting the batch scoring job {0}. Request http status code: {1}. Details: ...
  61. AzureMLBatchScoringActivity expects input to be a storage linked service with location type AzureBlobLocation. Please check ...
  62. AzureMLBatchScoringActivity expects output to be a storage linked service with location type AzureBlobLocation. Please check ...
  63. AzureMLBatchScoringActivity input Dataset '{0}' is missing the required fileName location property. Please check your input ...
  64. AzureMLBatchScoringActivity validation failed: An input Dataset is required to give the location of the file to be scored. ...
  65. AzureMLUpdateResource activity '{0}' required property 'trainedModelDatasetName' is not specified, is missing from activity ...
  66. AzureMLUpdateResource activity '{0}' required property 'trainedModelName' is not specified. Please include the name of the ...
  67. Batch execution failed with HTTP status code 'Unauthorized'. Please verify the batch execution URL and API key in your AzureML ...
  68. Batch execution failed with HTTP status code 'Unauthorized'. Please verify the batch execution URL and API key in your AzureML ...
  69. Batch execution failed with HTTP status code: {0}. The response from the Machine Learning service at endpoint {2} was '{1}'. ...
  70. Batch scoring request to {0} returned with HttpStatusCode {1}. Please ensure that your AzureMLLinkedService mlEndpoint is ...
  71. Cannot convert Linked service '{0}' to JSON. PropertySets contains a key {1} that does not match the LinkedServiceDefinitionId ...
  72. Cannot convert Linked service {0} to JSON. PropertySets contains a key {1} that does not match the LinkedServiceDefinitionId ...
  73. Cannot convert PropertyGroupDefinition to JSON. The property bag cannot contain a property named Description because it would ...
  74. Cannot deploy "{0}". Entity type is unknown. Supported object types are Linked services, Tables and Pipelines. Check the ...
  75. Cannot migrate data factory '{0}' to scale unit '{1}'. The data factory must to be in '{2}' state but currently its in '{3}' ...