There is insufficient free space in the storage pool for this protection group. To increase the free space, cancel this wizard and add disks to the storage pool or remove non-DPM volumes from the disks in the storage pool.
The Windows Azure Online Backup Agent was unable to connect to the Windows Azure Online Backup before the connection request ...
There are a large number of dynamic disk volumes on your DPM. The number of volumes after this Create-PG/Modify-PG would ...
There are no libraries configured to be used by Data Protection Manager. Click on Rescan to identify the attached libraries. ...
There is an existing DPM database in the %SqlInstance; instance of SQL Server. DPM cannot be installed on an existing database. ...
There is insufficient free space in the storage pool for this protection group. To increase the free space, cancel this wizard ...
There is insufficient free space in the storage pool for this protection group. To increase the free space, cancel this wizard ...
There is not enough content to generate a report for this time period. The number of days of available data must be at least ...
There is not enough content to generate a report for this time period. The number of days of available data must be at least ...
There is not enough content to generate a report for this time period. The number of days of available data must be at least ...