Warning: Table {0} was not updated to a table in the DSV. The current element in the DSV is a named query and updating named queries to tables is not supported.
Warning: Setup could not grant the account {0} the right to log on as a service. To set rights for the account manually, ...
Warning: table '{0}' in data source view '{1}' contains one or more invalid column references in its QueryDefinition property. ...
Warning: Table {0} was not updated to a named query in the DSV. The current element in the DSV is a table and updating tables ...
Warning: Table {0} was not updated to a named query in the DSV. The current element in the DSV is a transaction table and ...
Warning: Table {0} was not updated to a table in the DSV. The current element in the DSV is a named query and updating named ...
Warning: Table {0} was not updated to a table in the DSV. The current element in the DSV is a transaction table and updating ...
Warning: Table {0} was not updated to a transaction table in the DSV. The current element in the DSV is a named query and ...
Warning: Table {0} was not updated to a transaction table in the DSV. The current element in the DSV is a table and updating ...
Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution ...