Warning: Table {0} was not updated to a transaction table in the DSV. The current element in the DSV is a named query and updating named queries to transaction tables is not supported.
Warning: Table {0} was not updated to a named query in the DSV. The current element in the DSV is a table and updating tables ...
Warning: Table {0} was not updated to a named query in the DSV. The current element in the DSV is a transaction table and ...
Warning: Table {0} was not updated to a table in the DSV. The current element in the DSV is a named query and updating named ...
Warning: Table {0} was not updated to a table in the DSV. The current element in the DSV is a transaction table and updating ...
Warning: Table {0} was not updated to a transaction table in the DSV. The current element in the DSV is a named query and ...
Warning: Table {0} was not updated to a transaction table in the DSV. The current element in the DSV is a table and updating ...
Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution ...
was left in a partially installed state. Review the log messages to determine whether you can manually finish the installation. ...
WCF configuration of the port on the AOS will be reset after changing the name. If you have modified the WCF configuration ...