Activity "{0}" has no output dataset. Please add at least one output dataset and copy activity will use the first dataset as the copy data sink.
A String object containing the base URI that is added to your Service Bus namespace to form the URI to connect to the Service ...
Activities '{0}' and '{1}' have the same output Dataset '{2}'. Two activities cannot output the same Dataset over the same ...
Activities {0} and {1} have the same output Dataset {2}. Two activities cannot output the same Dataset over the same active ...
Activity "{0}" has no input dataset. Please add at least one input dataset and copy activity will use the first dataset as ...
Activity "{0}" has no output dataset. Please add at least one output dataset and copy activity will use the first dataset ...
Activity 'linkedServiceName' property refers to registered linked service '{0}' of storage kind. Activity linkedServiceName ...
Activity '{0}' from pipeline '{1}' has no output(s) and no schedule. Please add an output dataset or define activity schedule. ...
Activity '{0}' has no input dataset. Please add at least one input dataset and copy activity will use the first dataset as ...
Activity '{0}' has no output dataset. Please add at least one output dataset and copy activity will use the first dataset ...