Description: DpmBackup backs up the DPM database, and creates shadow copies that can be used for backing up replicas. To back up the DPM database, run DpmBackup.exe -db locally on the computer running DPM. Usage: DpmBackup.exe [-db [-sqlServerName] [-instanceName ] [-dpmdbName ] [-targetLocation ]] [-replicas] [-certificates] [-db] Backs up the databases to the default backup location on the DPM server, %DPMInstallLocation%\Volumes\ShadowCopy\Database Backups\. [-sqlServerName] Specifies the SQL Machine name if DPMDB is on remote machine or SQL Cluster name in case DPMDB is on a SQL Cluster instance. [-instanceName] Specifies the instance of SQL Server that hosts DPM database. This parameter can be used only with -db. If you are backing up from a remote instance of SQL Server: - From a named SQL instance, provide the instance name with -instanceName. - From a default SQL instance, provide "(Local)" with -instanceName. If SQL Server is not on the same computer as DPM, the default backup location for DPM database will be %SystemDrive%\DPMBackup. [-dpmdbname] Specifies the DPM database name [-targetLocation] Overrides the default backup location and points to a folder on network share or SQL Server. If -db is specified, the folder path should be an absolute path. [-replicas] Creates and mounts shadow copies of the DPM replica volumes to %DPMInstallLocation%\Volumes\ShadowCopy. [-certificates] Creates a file of the public certificates at %DPMInstallLocation%\DPMBackup\Certificates.
Delete the group manually. On the Administrative Tools menu, click Computer Management. Expand Local Users and Groups, and ...
Delete the protected computers from the group. On the Administrative Tools menu, click Computer Management. Expand Local ...
Deletes the replica on disk (if replica is on custom volume then custom volume will be deleted) and marks the tape data as ...
Depending upon the library type, unlocking the door will cancel the jobs that are currently running in the library. New jobs ...
Description: DpmBackup backs up the DPM database, and creates shadow copies that can be used for backing up replicas. To ...
Description: One or more library devices (drives and changers) were detected to be unreachable and hence were disabled from ...
Determine if any other process on the DPM server is currently using the library. If this is the case, stop the process. 2. ...
Disable library sharing by running the following commands and run the program again. 1. SetSharedDPMDatbase.exe RemoveDatabaseSharing. ...
Disables protection for server {0}. (All protection and recovery jobs on {0} will fail until the protection is enabled again.) ...