Note: The use of this method is deprecated in lieu of a more clearly named property (EnabledState) that is inherited from ...

Note: The use of this method is deprecated in lieu of a more clearly named property (EnabledState) that is inherited from ManagedSystemElement and that has additional enumerated values. 
Deprecated description: The StatusInfo property indicates whether the Logical Device is in an enabled state (value=3), disabled state (value=4), some other state (value=1), or an unknown state (value=2). If this property does not apply to the LogicalDevice, the value 5 (\"Not Applicable\") should be used. If a Device is (\"Enabled\")(value=3), it has been powered up and is configured and operational. The Device might or might not be functionally active, depending on whether its Availability (or AdditionalAvailability) indicates that it is (\"Running/Full Power\")(value=3) or (\"Off line\") (value=8). In an enabled but offline mode, a Device might be performing out-of-band requests, such as running Diagnostics. If StatusInfo is (\"Disabled\") (value=4), a Device can only be \"enabled\" or powered off. In a personal computer environment, (\"Disabled\") means that the driver of the device is not available in the stack. In other environments, a Device can be disabled by removing its configuration file. A disabled device is physically present in a System and consuming resources, but it cannot be communicated with until a driver is loaded, a configuration file is loaded, or some other \"enabling\" activity has occurred.
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