Note: The use of this method has been deprecated in lieu of the more general RequestStateChange method that directly overlaps ...

Note: The use of this method has been deprecated in lieu of the more general RequestStateChange method that directly overlaps with the functionality provided by this method. 
Deprecated description: Requests that the LogicalDevice be enabled (\"Enabled\" input parameter=TRUE) or disabled (=FALSE). If successful, the StatusInfo or EnabledState properties of the Device should reflect the desired state (enabled or disabled). Note that this function overlaps with the RequestedState property. RequestedState was added to the model to maintain a record (for example, a persisted value) of the last state request. Invoking the EnableDevice method should set the RequestedState property appropriately. 
The return code should be 0 if the request was successfully executed, 1 if the request is not supported, and some other value if an error occurred. In a subclass, the set of possible return codes could be specified by using a ValueMap qualifier on the method. The strings to which the ValueMap contents are 'translated' can also be specified in the subclass as a Values array qualifier.
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