A business intelligence geospatial tool, allowing data exploration in 3D and over time with the unique option to compile an animated and interactive tour.
A 100% stacked column chart is used to compare the percentage that each value contributes to a total. Use it to show how ...
A 100% stacked line chart is used to display the percentage contribution to a whole over time or categories. Use it to show ...
A 3-D surface chart shows trends in values across two dimensions in a continuous curve. Use it when the categories and series ...
A bubble chart is similar to a scatter chart and also shows relationships between sets of values but compares a set of three ...
A business intelligence geospatial tool, allowing data exploration in 3D and over time with the unique option to compile ...
A clustered bar chart is used to compare values across a few categories. Use it when the chart shows duration or when the ...
A clustered column chart is used to compare values across a few categories. Use it when the order of categories is not important. ...
A clustered column-line combination chart is used to emphasize different types of information. Use it when the range of values ...
A collection of templates that includes Project templates to create new projects and Microsoft Excel templates to use with ...