Office System 2016

  1. /? - Display this command-line help/admin - Launch the Office Customization Tool/adminfile - Specify a customization patch ...
  2. /? - Display this command-line help/config - Specify a config.xml file/modify - Enter Maintenance Mode for a product/repair ...
  3. A 100% stacked area chart is used to display the percentage contribution to a whole over time or categories. Use it to emphasize ...
  4. A 100% stacked bar chart is used to compare the percentage that each value contributes to a total. Use it to show how the ...
  5. A 100% stacked column chart is used to compare the percentage that each value contributes to a total. Use it to show how ...
  6. A 100% stacked line chart is used to display the percentage contribution to a whole over time or categories. Use it to show ...
  7. A 3-D surface chart shows trends in values across two dimensions in a continuous curve. Use it when the categories and series ...
  8. A bubble chart is similar to a scatter chart and also shows relationships between sets of values but compares a set of three ...
  9. A business intelligence geospatial tool, allowing data exploration in 3D and over time with the unique option to compile ...
  10. A clustered bar chart is used to compare values across a few categories. Use it when the chart shows duration or when the ...
  11. A clustered column chart is used to compare values across a few categories. Use it when the order of categories is not important. ...
  12. A clustered column-line combination chart is used to emphasize different types of information. Use it when the range of values ...
  13. A collection of templates that includes Project templates to create new projects and Microsoft Excel templates to use with ...
  14. A composite algorithm evaluates its constraints in child node order. The order of the constraints and the nodes in this layout ...
  15. A connection to Project Server is required to publish a project as an enterprise project. To set up a connection to Project ...
  16. A connection to the (!idspnOfficeOnline_Long) configuration servers cannot be completed. Check your Internet connection or ...
  17. A copy of this document is stored in a Document Workspace. Changes made to your document have not been updated in the workspace ...
  18. A copy of this document is stored in a Document Workspace. Do you want to be able to update the workspace copy with the changes ...
  19. A copy of this document is stored on your computer.Would you like to replace your copy with the server copy containing your ...
  20. A copy of this document is stored on your computer.Would you like to replace your copy with the workspace copy containing ...
  21. A copy of this file has previously been checked out to this machine. Do you want this copy to replace the previous one as ...
  22. A copy of this file has previously been edited on this machine. Do you want this copy to replace the previous one as the ...
  23. A copy of this file is checked out on another machine. The server copy may not contain your latest changes. Would you like ...
  24. A cryptographic algorithm required to complete this operation has not been installed on your system. Contact your administrator. ...
  25. A custom application is running and has opened this file (possibly on another user's computer). It may have opened the file ...
  26. A different version of this product is already installed on your computer. To install this product, you must first uninstall ...
  27. A doughnut chart is used to show proportions of a whole. Use it instead of a pie chart when there are multiple series that ...
  28. A field name specified in this query is not valid. Each field name specified in the query must exist in the data object being ...
  29. A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file 2 has an invalid digital signature. This may indicate ...
  30. A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file 2 is not digitally signed. This may indicate that the ...
  31. A file that's part of this XML expansion pack could not be downloaded. The XML expansion pack may not work properly. Contact ...
  32. A histogram shows frequency data. A histogram plots the distribution and density of data, after placing it into discrete ...
  33. A known condition with an antivirus program can cause a similar condition. Check with the manufacturer of your antivirus ...
  34. A line chart is used to display trends over time (years, months, and days) or categories when the order is important. Use ...
  35. A list separator character is used to separate elements in a list. The character you use is controlled from the Clock, Language, ...
  36. A list separator character that is used is not consistent with the list separator characters defined for the Regional Options. ...
  37. A loop is a series of actions that execute repeatedly for as long as the specified conditions are true.The contents of the ...
  38. A Microsoft Visual Basic macro is running in step mode (a form of testing and debugging that takes place within the VBA editor) ...
  39. A mismatched range of cells is being pasted into a merged cell. For example, if you merge eight cells and then try to paste ...
  40. A new (!idspnDocumentCache_Short) has been created. A copy of the cache has been saved as "|0".Do you want to attempt to ...
  41. A new Document Workspace will be created. A copy of this document will be stored in the new workspace. You can automatically ...
  42. A newer version of ProductName already exists. To install this version of ProductName you must uninstall the existing version. ...
  43. A Pareto chart plots the distribution of the data in descending order of frequency, with a cumulative line on a secondary ...
  44. A pareto chart plots the distribution of the data in descending order of frequency, with a cumulative line on a secondary ...
  45. A pie chart is used to show proportions of a whole. A bar of pie takes some values from the main pie and combines them into ...
  46. A pie chart is used to show proportions of a whole. A pie of pie takes some values from the main pie and combines them into ...
  47. A pie chart is used to show proportions of a whole. Use it to show numbers that relate to a larger sum and always equal 100%. ...
  48. A previous installation for this product is in progress. You must undo the changes made by that installation to continue. ...
  49. A previous installation for this product is in progress. You must undo the changes made by that installation to continue. ...
  50. A problem occurred while contacting the restricted permission service. Please try again later or contact your administrator ...
  51. A problem occurred with removal of personal information from this file. Some personal information may not have been removed. ...
  52. A read lock on the file that you are attempting to open can be caused by another user who has the file open, either on the ...
  53. A recurring meeting cannot be linked to a Meeting Workspace that is already linked to another meeting. Either change your ...
  54. A REG_DWORD data value must start with '0x' and be composed of 1 to 8 hex characters only, or it must be composed of decimal ...
  55. A scatter chart is used to compare at least two sets of values or pairs of data. Use it to show relationships between sets ...
  56. A scatter with straight lines and markers chart is used to compare at least two sets of values or pairs of data. Use it when ...
  57. A security update to your Windows Rights Management client is available. You can't create or access content with restricted ...
  58. A security vulnerability exists in $(PACKAGE.PRODUCTNAME) $(PACKAGE.PLATFORM) that could allow arbitrary code to run when ...
  59. A self-signed certificate is only for personal use. If you need an authenticated code signing certificate for signing commercial ...
  60. A series of linked tasks contains one task that links back to another task. Tasks cannot be linked in a way that leads back ...
  61. A stacked area chart is used to display the relationship of parts to whole over time or categories. Use it to show the magnitude ...
  62. A stacked bar chart is used to compare parts of a whole across categories. Use it to show how segments of a whole change ...
  63. A stock chart is used to display the trend of a stock's performance over time. Use this stock chart to show five series of ...
  64. A stock chart is used to display the trend of a stock's performance over time. Use this stock chart to show four series of ...
  65. A stock chart is used to display the trend of a stock's performance over time. Use this stock chart to show four series of ...
  66. A stock chart is used to display the trend of a stock's performance over time. Use this stock chart to show three series ...
  67. A sunburst chart represents hierarchical data as concentric rings in a circle. Data values are encoded as arcs within each ...
  68. A sunburst chart shows proportions within the hierarchical levels as rings. It shows all levels but doesn't work well if ...
  69. A waterfall chart is usually used to visualize how an initial value is affected by a series of positive and negative numbers. ...
  70. A waterfall chart shows the cumulative effect of a series of positive and negative values. Use it to show the cumulative ...
  71. A Windows Live ID cannot be used when permission is given to Everyone'. Select an account other than a Windows Live ID, or ...
  72. A Windows Live ID cannot be used when permission policies are in use. Select a Windows account to use permission policies. ...
  73. A worksheet that uses data from a .csv or .txt file cannot be renamed because the file name of the source file contains one ...
  74. Absolute - Set positioning property to absolute. Position the selected element at the specific coodinates relative to its ...
  75. Accept the current conflicting change and move to the next conflicting change.Click the arrow to accept all conflicting changes ...