/NewMachineNamingPolicy: Specifies the format to use when generating client computer names. /NewMachineOU Specifies the location ...

[/NewMachineNamingPolicy:]      Specifies the format to use when
                                        generating client computer names.
[/NewMachineOU]                         Specifies the location in Active
                                        Directory where computer accounts
                                        will be created.
 [/Type:{ServerDomain |                 ServerDomain creates accounts
         UserDomain |                   in the default computer container
         UserOU |                       of the domain of the WDS server.
         Custom}]                       UserDomain creates accounts in the
                                        default computer container
                                        of the domain of the user that is
                                        performing the installation.
                                        UserOU creates accounts in
                                        the same location as the user that
                                        is performing the installation.
                                        Custom specifies the location in
                                        Active Directory where accounts
                                        will be created.