[/OU:] For Custom, /OU specifies where the account should be created. [/DomainSearchOrder:{GCOnly | DCFirst}] Specifies the policy for searching computer accounts in Active Directory [/NewMachineDomainJoin:{Yes | No}] Specifies whether or not a new computer (one that is not prestaged) should be joined to the domain during the installation. The default is Yes. [/OSCMenuName: ] Specifies the display name of the OSChooser boot menu option. This setting is only available on Windows Server 2003. [/WdsClientLogging] [/Enabled:{Yes | No}] Enables or disables logging of the WDS client actions. [/LoggingLevel:{None | Sets the logging level. Errors | None is the same as disabling logging. Warnings | Errors indicates that only errors Info}] will be logged. Warnings includes warnings and errors. Info includes warnings and informational events. [/WdsUnattend] These options control the unattended installation options for the WDS client. [/Policy:{Enabled | Disabled}] Enables or disables unattend installation. [/CommandlinePrecedence:{Yes | No}] Specifies whether an Autounattend.xml file (if present on the client) or an unattend file passed using the /Unattend option will be used instead of an image unattend file. The default is No. [/File: ] Specifies the file name and path of the unattend file. [/Architecture:{x86 | ia64 | x64}] Specifies the architecture of the file. [/AutoAddPolicy] Defines which clients the server will respond to.
/NewApplicationPartitionToCreate:"DN of application partition to create, with the name that you specify" Optional. By default, ...
/NewDomain:{Tree | Child | } Indicates the type of domain that you want to create: a new forest, a new domain tree in an ...
/NewMachineNamingPolicy: Specifies the format to use when generating client computer names. /NewMachineOU Specifies the location ...
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep. Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep ...
/OU: For Custom, /OU specifies where the account should be created. /DomainSearchOrder:{GCOnly | DCFirst} Specifies the policy ...
/OU: The distinguished name of the organizational unit where the computer account object should be created. For example, ...
/Overwrite:{Yes | No | Append} Determines whether the file specified in /DestinationImage should be overwritten if an existing ...
/p - Indicates the path of the language packs to install. If the /s and /i option are both used, the /p option is required. ...
/p: Use as the password. Must also use the /u option /a: Test all the servers in this site /e: Test all the servers in the ...