Determines the color palette that is used for elements such as backgrounds, text, gridlines, and comment indicators when the workbook is opened in earlier versions of Excel. Each color in the workbook changes to the closest matching color in this palette. To change a color, click it, and then click modify.
date_text!Converts a date in the form of text to a number that represents the date in Microsoft Excel date-time code!is text ...
decimal_dollar,fraction!Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction!is ...
Deletes all of your Microsoft email and password information the next time you quit and restart Excel. You'll be signed out ...
destination_ref,data_type,text_delim,consecutive_delim,tab,semicolon,comma,space,other,other_char,field_info,decimal_separator,thousands_separator ...
Determines the color palette that is used for elements such as backgrounds, text, gridlines, and comment indicators when ...
Determines the font size used the next time you open Excel and create a new workbook. Enter a font size in the Size box to ...
Determines the font used the next time you open Excel and create a new workbook. Click a font on the Standard Font pop-up ...
dimension!Returns the unit matrix for the specified dimension!is an integer specifying the dimension of the unit matrix that ...
Display banded columns, in which even columns are formatted differently from odd columns.This banding can make tables easier ...