Removes the Documents menu from the Start menu. The Documents menu contains links to the nonprogram files that users have ...

"Removes the Documents menu from the Start menu.

The Documents menu contains links to the nonprogram files that users have most recently opened. It appears so that users can easily reopen their documents.

If you enable this setting, the system saves document shortcuts but does not display them in the Documents menu. If you later disable it or set it to Not Configured, the document shortcuts saved before the setting was enabled and while it was in effect appear in the Documents menu.

Note: This setting does not prevent Windows programs from displaying shortcuts to recently opened documents. See the "Do not keep history of recently opened documents" setting.

Also, see the "Do not keep history of recently opened documents" and "Clear history of recenTly opened documents on exit" policies in this folder.

This setting also does not hide document shortcuts displayed in the Open dialog box. See the "Hide the dropdown list of recent files" setting."
English (United States)