Removes the Folder Options item from all Windows Explorer menus and removes the Internet Options item from Internet Explorer. ...

"Removes the Folder Options item from all Windows Explorer menus and removes the Internet Options item from Internet Explorer. This setting also removes the Folder Options icon from Control Panel.

Folder Options appears on the Tools menu in both Control Panel and Windows Explorer. (To open Folder Options, click My Computer, click My Documents, and then click My Network Places). Folder Options also appears as an item in Control Panel.

The Folder Options dialog box lets users set many properties of Windows Explorer, such as enabling Active Desktop, setting a single-click option for icons, displaying hidden system files, adding and deleting file types, and saving local copies of network files.

Internet Options appears on the Tools menu in Internet Explorer. The Internet Options dialog box is the primary configuration tool for Internet Explorer. It lets users customize their displays, establish security and content standards, configure LAN and dial-up connections, set advanced browser options, and gain access to Certificate Manager and Microsoft Wallet.

This setting is more restrictive than the "Remove the Folder Options menu item from the Settings menu" setting, which removes Folder Options but displays Internet Options."
English (United States)