A XSLT or xsl:call-template scripting functoid is connected to the target tree, but there is code being generated at child nodes.
A valid business data item's name cannot contain whitespace except for the space character. Remove any tabs or new lines. ...
A version number must be of the form major.minor or major.minor.build.revision. Each field must be a number between 0 and ...
A view is one perspective on an activity. For any given activity defined, there can be zero or more views created (1 or more ...
A vocabulary with the same ID as the one being added is already present with a different name. This is because one of the ...
A XSLT or xsl:call-template scripting functoid is connected to the target tree, but there is code being generated at child ...
Access is denied due to a failure in the authentication process. The user is not a member of the BizTalk Server Administration ...
Access is denied. You need to be a member of either the RFID_USER group or the built-in Administrators group on the server ...
Access is denied. You need to be a member of the built-in Administrators group on the server to be able to perform this operation. ...
Acknowledgement generation has failed as max limit of acceptable Edifact transaction set control number has reached for Guest ...