A version number must be of the form major.minor or major.minor.build.revision. Each field must be a number between 0 and 65534.
A summary 997 does not contain AK2 segments for functional groups that contain no errors. Do you want to send summary 997's ...
A Table-Looping functoid should have at least two inputs: the first input must be a link from a Source Tree Node which acts ...
A Tracking Analysis Server database has been previously created for this BizTalk group. Delete the database before creating ...
A valid business data item's name cannot contain whitespace except for the space character. Remove any tabs or new lines. ...
A version number must be of the form major.minor or major.minor.build.revision. Each field must be a number between 0 and ...
A view is one perspective on an activity. For any given activity defined, there can be zero or more views created (1 or more ...
A vocabulary with the same ID as the one being added is already present with a different name. This is because one of the ...
A XSLT or xsl:call-template scripting functoid is connected to the target tree, but there is code being generated at child ...
Access is denied due to a failure in the authentication process. The user is not a member of the BizTalk Server Administration ...