Parameters: Value Description Required/stdin. Distinguished names (DNs) of one or more users to view. If the target objects ...

Parameters:    Value                   Description              Required/stdin. Distinguished names (DNs) of one                           or more users to view.                          If the target objects are omitted they                          will be taken from standard input (stdin)                          to support piping of output from another command                           to input of this command. Compare with                           below.  -dn                     Shows the DN of the user.   -samid                  Shows the SAM account name of the user.   -sid                    Shows the user Security ID.   -upn                    Shows the user principal name of the user.   -fn                     Shows the first name of the user.   -mi                     Shows the middle initial of the user.   -ln                     Shows the last name of the user.   -display                Shows the display name of the user.   -empid                  Shows the user employee ID.   -desc                   Shows the description of the user.   -office                 Shows the office location of the user.   -tel                    Shows the telephone number of the user.   -email                  Shows the e-mail address of the user.   -hometel                Shows the home telephone number of the user.   -pager                  Shows the pager number of the user.   -mobile                 Shows the mobile phone number of the user.   -fax                    Shows the fax number of the user.   -iptel                  Shows the user IP phone number.   -webpg                  Shows the user web page URL.   -title                  Shows the title of the user.   -dept                   Shows the department of the user.   -company                Shows the company info of the user.   -mgr                    Shows the user's manager.   -hmdir                  Shows the user home directory.                           Displays the drive letter to which the                           home directory of the user is mapped                           (if the home directory path is a UNC path).   -hmdrv                  Shows the user's home drive letter                          (if home directory is a UNC path).  -profile                Shows the user's profile path.   -loscr                  Shows the user's logon script path.   -mustchpwd              Shows if the user must change his/her password                          at the time of next logon. Displays: yes or no.   -canchpwd               Shows if the user can change his/her password.                          Displays: yes or no.   -pwdneverexpires        Shows if the user password never expires.                          Displays: yes or no.   -disabled               Shows if the user account is disabled                           for logon or not. Displays: yes or no.   -acctexpires            Shows when the user account expires.                           Display values: a date when the account expires                          or the string "never" if the account never expires.   -reversiblepwd          Shows if the user password is allowed to be                           stored using reversible encryption (yes or no).                   Required. DN of group to view.  -memberof               Displays the groups of which the user is a member.  -expand                 Displays a recursively expanded list of groups                          of which the user is a member.  {-s  | -d }                          -s  connects to the domain controller (DC)                           with name .                          -d  connects to a DC in domain .                          Default: a DC in the logon domain.  -u            Connect as . Default: the logged in user.                          User name can be: user name, domain\user name,                          or user principal name (UPN).  -p { | *}     Password for the user . If * then prompt                          for password.  -c                      Continuous operation mode: report errors but continue                          with next object in argument list when multiple                          target objects are specified. Without this option,                          command exits on first error.  -q                      Quiet mode: suppress all output to standard output.  -L                      Displays the entries in the search result set in a                          list format. Default: table format.  {-uc | -uco | -uci} -uc Specifies that input from or output to pipe is     formatted in Unicode.      -uco Specifies that output to pipe or file is      formatted in Unicode.      -uci Specifies that input from pipe or file is     formatted in Unicode.  -part      Connect to the directory partition with the                          distinguished name of .  -qlimit                 Displays the effective quota of the user within                          the specified directory partition.  -qused                  Displays how much of the quota the user has                          used within the specified directory partition.
English (United States)