Parameters: Value Description Required/stdin. Distinguished names (DNs) of one or more users to modify. If target objects ...

Parameters:    Value                   Description              Required/stdin. Distinguished names (DNs)                          of one or more users to modify.                          If target objects are omitted they                          will be taken from standard input (stdin)                          to support piping of output from another command                          to input of this command.  -upn               Sets the UPN value to .  -fn          Sets user first name to .  -mi            Sets user middle initial to .  -ln           Sets user last name to .  -display   Sets user display name to .  -empid      Sets user employee ID to .  -pwd { | *}   Resets user password to . If *, then                          you are prompted for a password.  -desc      Sets user description to .  -office         Sets user office location to .  -tel            Sets user telephone# to .  -email           Sets user e-mail address to .  -hometel    Sets user home phone# to .  -pager          Sets user pager# to .  -mobile     Sets user mobile# to .  -fax              Sets user fax# to .  -iptel        Sets user IP phone# to .  -webpg         Sets user web page URL to .  -title           Sets user title to <Title>.  -dept <Department>      Sets user department to <Department>.  -company <Company>      Sets user company info to <Company>.  -mgr <Manager>          Sets user's manager to <Manager>.  -hmdir <HomeDir>        Sets user home directory to <HomeDir>. If this is                          UNC path, then a drive letter to be mapped to                          this path must also be specified through -hmdrv.  -hmdrv <DriveLtr>:      Sets user home drive letter to <DriveLtr>:  -profile <ProfilePath>  Sets user's profile path to <ProfilePath>.  -loscr <ScriptPath>     Sets user's logon script path to <ScriptPath>.  -mustchpwd {yes | no}   Sets whether the user must change his password (yes)                          or not (no) at his next logon.  -canchpwd {yes | no}    Sets whether the user can change his password (yes)                          or not (no). This setting should be "yes"                          if the -mustchpwd setting is "yes".  -reversiblepwd {yes | no}                          Sets whether the user password should be stored using                          reversible encryption (yes) or not (no).  -pwdneverexpires {yes | no}                          Sets whether the user's password never expires (yes)                          or not (no).  -acctexpires <NumDays>  Sets user account to expire in <NumDays> days from                          today. A value of 0 sets expiration at the end of                          today.                          A positive value sets expiration in the future.                          A negative value sets expiration in the past.                          A string value of "never" sets the account                           to never expire.  -disabled {yes | no}    Sets whether the user account is disabled (yes)                          or not (no).  {-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}                          -s <Server> connects to the domain controller (DC)                          with name <Server>.                          -d <Domain> connects to a DC in domain <Domain>.                          Default: a DC in the logon domain.  -u <UserName>           Connect as <UserName>. Default: the logged in user.                          User name can be: user name, domain\user name,                          or user principal name (UPN).  -p <Password>           Password for the user <UserName>. If * then prompt                          for password.  -c                      Continuous operation mode. Reports errors but                          continues with next object in argument list                          when multiple target objects are specified.                          Without this option, the command exits on the                          first error.  -q                      Quiet mode: suppress all output to standard output.  {-uc | -uco | -uci} -uc Specifies that input from or output to pipe is     formatted in Unicode.      -uco Specifies that output to pipe or file is      formatted in Unicode.      -uci Specifies that input from pipe or file is     formatted in Unicode.</pre>

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