The rule has a condition that the server cannot process. The action 'stop processing more rules' will prevent all remaining server rules from being carried out. Are you sure this is what you want to do?
The row you inserted in the grid exceeds the limit of 255 rows (fields) for a table or 1,000 rows (actions) for a macro.@1@1 ...
The row you selected is not in the original selected range. Either select a row in the original selected range, or close ...
The rows you modified could not be saved to the server due to validation errors. This is usually caused by invalid default ...
The RSS item you are forwarding has attachments. To prevent sending out private or malicious data, always trust the source ...
The rule has a condition that the server cannot process. The action 'stop processing more rules' will prevent all remaining ...
The rule scope determines where the rule file is run. If the rule scope is set to All, the rule file will run on all computers ...
The rule service determines where the rule file is run. The rule file will run only on computers with running instances of ...
The rule you are creating can never be edited in previous versions of Outlook once you save this change. Because this is ...
The rule you are creating can never be edited in previous versions of Outlook once you save this change. However, because ...