{You are attempting to send information to an untrusted Project Server: ^1.}If you are sure of this site's identity, and you trust that it will not damage your computer or your data, then you must make this site a trusted site before publishing project information to it. Note that when you trust a site, you are trusting the entire domain to which that site belongs. For example, if you trust the site http:\/\/server1/projectserver, you are trusting the entire http:\/\/server1 domain.
You are attempting to put grouped items and property fields in the same dimension. This action is not supported. After clicking ...
You are attempting to save a file type that has been blocked by your administrator.}For security reasons, your administrator ...
You are attempting to send information to a restricted Internet site. Remove |0 from the Restricted sites zone if you want ...
You are attempting to send information to an Internet site (|0) that is not in your Local, Intranet, or Trusted zones. This ...
You are attempting to send information to an untrusted Project Server: ^1.}If you are sure of this site's identity, and you ...
You are attempting to work with a Paradox file that requires the Borland Database Engine (BDE). Microsoft Access cannot load ...
You are automatically a site collection administrator. You must designate at least one additional site collection administrator. ...
You are being requested to install the component entitled: %1%2 Do you agree to install this component? This component was ...
You are being requested to install the component entitled: %1%4 Do you agree to install this component? This component was ...