You are attempting to work with a Paradox file that requires the Borland Database Engine (BDE). Microsoft Access cannot load the BDE, or the BDE is not correctly installed. To correct this, run the setup program for the BDE.
You are about to run a pass-through query that may modify data in your table.@Are you sure you want to run this type of an ...
You are about to run an append query that will modify data in your table.@Are you sure you want to run this type of action ...
You are about to run an update query that will modify data in your table.@Are you sure you want to run this type of action ...
You are about to update | row(s).@Once you click Yes, you can't use the Undo command to reverse the changes.Are you sure ...
You are attempting to work with a Paradox file that requires the Borland Database Engine (BDE). Microsoft Access cannot load ...
You are now ready to create the e-mail message. When you click Create, the wizard displays the e-mail message. Review the ...
You are now ready to create the e-mail message.When you click Create, the wizard displays the e-mail message.Review the message, ...
You are now ready to create the e-mail messages.When you click Next, the wizard displays the e-mail messages.To see the e-mail ...
You are saving to a server that does not support long filenames and do not have permission to create a folder.@You must have ...