You are pasting a new data series, which will affect the existing information along the category axis in your chart.You can either replace the existing data categories or add new categories to the existing categories in your chart. What do you want to do?• To permanently replace the existing categories with categories based on the new data series, click OK.• To add new categories based on the data series but still keep the existing categories in the chart, click Cancel.
You already have specified a custom chart type. To create a different type of chart, click another custom type, or click ...
You are about to sort together columns from multiple external data ranges. If you continue, your column sorting, filtering ...
You are attempting to put grouped items and property fields in the same dimension. This action is not supported. After clicking ...
You are no longer connected to this file.Another user may have removed you from it, or saved over it.To preserve your unsaved ...
You are pasting a new data series, which will affect the existing information along the category axis in your chart.You can ...
You are trying to delete a column or a row that contains a locked cell. Locked cells can not be deleted while the sheet is ...
You can add buttons you use often to the Standard toolbar. Click the toolbar while holding down CONTROL, choose Customize, ...
You can add gridlines to a chart by clicking Chart Options on the Chart menu, clicking the Gridlines tab, and selecting the ...
You can add the chart template as a user-defined autoformat and use it later by choosing Autoformat from the Format menu. ...