Access is denied. You need to be a member of either the RFID_ADMIN group or the built-in Administrators group on the server to be able to perform this operation.
A view is one perspective on an activity. For any given activity defined, there can be zero or more views created (1 or more ...
A vocabulary with the same ID as the one being added is already present with a different name. This is because one of the ...
A XSLT or xsl:call-template scripting functoid is connected to the target tree, but there is code being generated at child ...
Access is denied due to a failure in the authentication process. The user is not a member of the BizTalk Server Administration ...
Access is denied. You need to be a member of either the RFID_ADMIN group or the built-in Administrators group on the server ...
Access is denied. You need to be a member of the RFID_USER group or the RFID_ADMIN group or the built-in Administrators group ...
Activation message was suspended because the corresponding service (orchestration, sendport, .) was in the stopped state. ...
activity has attributes ( joinCondition' or suppressJoinFailure') that are not supported by BPEL import in this release. ...
ActivityID NVARCHAR(128) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, ParentActivityID NVARCHAR(128) NOT NULL ) GO - Completed instances table CREATE ...