This table is linked to a SharePoint document library. You may edit existing document rows, but you may not add or insert additional records, or commit changes to folder information.
This report is based on an OLAP data source. You can't modify the query because you don't use a query to connect to this ...
This selection is not valid. There are several possible reasons: Copy and paste areas cannot overlap unless they're the same ...
This series includes the series labeled with an x in the row or column heading. You cannot exclude the series plotted on ...
This sheet contains a query that is currently being edited by MS Query. You will not be able to use MS Query to create or ...
This table is linked to a SharePoint document library. You may edit existing document rows, but you may not add or insert ...
This table is linked to Windows SharePoint Services. Formulas entered in this table will be converted to values when the ...
This version of Excel does not support as many line colors as newer versions of Excel. All line colors in this workbook will ...
This Web query may not save correctly as a separate file because it contains Asian, accented, or right-to-left characters. ...
This Web query produces different results in this version of Excel and in Excel 97. Because the data may have been moved ...