Description: Displays information about all namespaces on the server. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Get-AllNamespaces /Server: ...

Description: Displays information about all namespaces on the server.

WDSUTIL [Options]

        The name of the WDS server. This can be either the NetBIOS
        name or the FQDN.  If not specified, the local server will be

        Displays only the namespaces for this content provider.

        If present, clients that are connected to this namespace will
        be displayed as well.

        Excludes transmissions that are pending deletion (for example,
        those that have been deactivated.

WDSUTIL /Get-AllNamespaces

WDSUTIL /Get-AllNamespaces /Server:MyWDSServer /ContentProvider:"MyContentProv"
/Details:Clients /ExcludeDeletePending