Description: Displays information about a multicast transmission. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Get-MulticastTransmission /Image: ...

Description: Displays information about a multicast transmission.

WDSUTIL [Options]
        /ImageType:{Boot | Install}

        The name of the image that is associated with the multicast

        The name of the WDS server. This can be either the NetBIOS
        name or the FQDN.  If not specified, the local server will be

        If present, clients connected to the transmission will be

/ImageType:{Boot | Install}
        The type of image that is associated with the transmission.

For boot image transmissions:
WDSUTIL [Options]
        /Architecture:{x86 | ia64 | x64 | arm}

/Architecture:{x86 | ia64 | x64 | arm}
        The architecture of the boot image that is associated with the
        transmission.  Since it is possible to have the same image
        name for boot images in different architectures, you should
        specify the architecture to ensure that the correct image is

        If the source image cannot be uniquely identified by name, the
        file name must be specified.