USAGE: Dfsutil /TargetPriority can be used to display the TargetPriority value of a specific target server of a DFS root ...

Dfsutil /TargetPriority can be used to display the TargetPriority value of a specific
target server of a DFS root or a link. It can also be used to set the priority of
a root or link target. TargetPriority is a useful way to control client accesses to 
dfs target servers.
dfsutil /TargetPriority /Path: /Server: /Share:
        [/Display] [/Set] [/PriorityRank:] 
    /Path: - UNC path of the root or the link.
    /Server: - Name of the root or link target server
    /Share: - Target share name.
    /PriorityRank: - specify the priority rank (0-31) to set.
    /PriorityClass: SiteCostNormal - Default behavior.
                    GlobalHigh  GlobalLow - Whether the target is in global high or global low priority class.
                    SiteCostHigh & SiteCostLow - Whether the target is in high or low priority class within
                                                 targets of same site cost.
    [/Verbose] - Display debug information.


To display server priority settings of target \\MyDocServ1\DfsDocs of link
\\DocDomain\DocRoot\DfsDocs, type:
dfsutil  /TargetPriority /Path:\\DocDomain\DocRoot\DfsDocs /Server:MyDocServ1
     /Share:DfsDocs /Display

To set server priority of target \\MyDocServ1\DfsDocs of link
\\DocDomain\DocRoot\DfsDocs to 11, type:
dfsutil  /TargetPriority /Path:\\DocDomain\DocRoot\DfsDocs /Server:MyDocServ1
     /Share:DfsDocs /PriorityRank:11

To make target \\MyDocServ1\DfsDocs of link \\DocDomain\DocRoot\DfsDocs 
a low priority target among targets of the same inter-site cost, type:        
dfsutil  /TargetPriority /Path:\\DocDomain\DocRoot\DfsDocs /Server:MyDocServ1 
/Share:DfsDocs /PriorityClass:SiteCostLow
To make target \\MyDocServ1\DfsDocs of link \\DocDomain\DocRoot\DfsDocs to be
ordered first by site cost, then by priority rank (default behavior), with the
the priority value of 31, type:
dfsutil  /TargetPriority /Path:\\DocDomain\DocRoot\DfsDocs /Server:MyDocServ1
/Share:DfsDocs /PriorityClass:SiteCostNormal /PriorityRank:31

1) The Path can be a Domain based or a Standalone DFS path. It must lead to a 
   root or a link.
2) Priority rank must be between 0 and 31, both inclusive. 0 is the highest 
   priority rank and 31 is the lowest priority rank. ie. Everything else being
   equal, a target with priority rank 0 will appear in a referral before one 
   with priority rank 1.
3) TargetPriority can be used in conjunction with site costing, insite and the 
   like. GlobalPriorityClass will take precedence over the site cost.
   The default behavior is SiteCostNormalPriorityClass. 

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