The purpose of this template is to identify the work needed to set up support of a new consumer packaged good. Consumer packaged ...

The purpose of this template is to identify the work needed to set up support of a new consumer packaged good. Consumer packaged goods (CPG) are consumable goods such as food and beverages, footwear and apparel, tobacco, and cleaning products. In general, CPGs are things that get used up and have to be replaced frequently, in contrast to items that people usually keep for a long time, such as cars and furniture. Regardless of the product, consideration must be given to the type of warranty/guarantee that will be offered and how service will be provided to the consumer. Post-manufacturing service can be completely managed by the manufacturing company, outsourced to third-party repair companies, managed by retail organizations, or a combination of these. In general, all goods come with an implied warranty that the product is 'fit for use' as generally intended. The profit margin for CPG is typically very low, so manufacturers and retailers try to keep service costs as low as possible. This template should provide the basic steps needed to establish post-manufacture service.
English (United States)