Cluster generic script resource %1: Request to perform the %2 operation will not be processed. This is because of a previous ...

Cluster generic script resource %1: Request to perform the %2 operation will not be processed.  This is because of a previous failed attempt to execute the %3 entry point in a timely fashion.  Please review the script code for this entry point to make sure there is no infinite loop or a hang  in it, and then consider increasing the resource pending timeout value if necessary. In a  command shell, run "cluster res "%1" /prop PersistentState=0" to disable this resource, and then  run "net stop clussvc" to stop the cluster service. Ensure that any problem in the script code is  fixed.  Then run "net start clussvc" to start the cluster service. If necessary, ensure that the  pending time out is increased before bringing the resource online again.
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